mercredi 7 novembre 2012

Revolution in St Ambroix


In St Ambroix, it is the time of "war" ! Listen ! lot of politicians (!) had boycotted the municipal council (!).. as relates the regional newspaper "Midi Libre" (South free) usually very very soft, denouncing an atmosphere of tension, harassment of an employee, and probably others. A real scoop here! 

So there was no opportunity to vote because the "quorum*" was not reached. A revolution in a country where nobody (or very rarely) dare to say anything against power, whatever it was. "Potemkine" (the revolt of russian seemen soldiers -Odessa, 1905- in this big war ship because the had nothing to eat) as sings a famous french singer Jean Ferrat (vidéo)

For those who don't know, and me, one second ago ! the "quorum"* is the number of "notables" (says wiki), necessary for a commission to vote. For a vote to take place, it takes a certain amount of guys. But not guy like you and me, not, goog ones, elected ones! Where there is disagreement, and improbably there it is ! the dissidents don't come,  not to hang out [as it seems to be said by the mayor] .. although it does not prevent them to see for instance "the Tudors" at TV ! but just to show their ire. So, the "detuner" (here, the mayor) is like a old man that improbably had catch a beautiful girl and could do nothing in the bed with her because he missed some necessary accessories we can find in pharmacy (viagra and condoms) and would leave her disappointed.

"Desoldering" tool

Of course, like all rednecks, I did not understand everything about that story, Midi-Libre is very discret and the policies generally more again. The Concepts, yes, it is easy for me (link): boycott, letters, harassment, for example, I see very well, as "resolder the majority" which seems "unsoldered", (resolder, a transitive verb meaning "to separate elements that were welded and, in popular sense, to kill, murder" .. [Larousse dictionary]) but the real meaning, all this story,  the sense, that slab. It does not matter, it's still a piece chosen .. Following the next issue. 

"Pressure", "discomfort", "not the first time" ... mm? [here Midi Libre speaks pressure against an employee" top level"?].. but then what about those "low level" who can not say anything? [And about rednecks, I mean to poor administered?] We can conclude with Lacan (a french psyciatrist) that "the more important in a speech, this is not what he says but what he said not. "

 * Genitive plural of "which" [for the elderly who have formerly studied Latin (the delights of the dictionary Gaffiot that weighed 3 kg in the schoolbag for kid / es of 10 years who weighed themselves 30! .. and had to carry it almost every day, bus, subway, and on several floors in school]. Result: scoliosis commonly called "scoliosis Gaffiot" .. ressurgie in my case after weeding the path of Roque. The culture is also very physical.

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