lundi 31 décembre 2012
dimanche 30 décembre 2012
Those who are going to overcome humans.
The killer bee. Produced with aggressive African bees *, imported and crossed with native bees
in Brazil for profit, they are very resistant and make big acount of honey (!) - but has
further strengthened its aggressiveness, it looks like externally the
natives honeybee but has the particularity to attack any intruder approaching the
hive more than 10 meters and continue to 1 km (the others attack only at one meter or two) : 1000 stitches often fatal. Nothing
could stop it, it migrates to the United States now and has
reached the South shortly and will certainly reach the major cities when? We don'know. In the South, nothing can stop them. The Brazilians are accustomed (she even fortune beekeepers but they live permanently under the threat). It has already caused the death of thousands of victims. It has now reached southern Europe, only one hive in a plane who was destroyed (?) but with the air travels more and more frequent, it is clear that sooner or later it will reach "us".
Danger comes from the United States because of a strange "solution" for the destruction of natives bees by pesticides! beekeepers travel across all the country with hives to pollinate plants (!) in zone where intensive culture had destroy the local bees which have disappeared (!) [but the killers bees, more resistant, remain!] These migrant "workers" animals (!) coming temporarily may also interbreed with the killer so that beekeepers traveling with their huge trucks must permanently eliminate the local "queens" suspicious and replace them by "good" ones!! An huge and constant work ! Great, is not it?
* Michael Moore denies designation of "African "s for these bees
Danger comes from the United States because of a strange "solution" for the destruction of natives bees by pesticides! beekeepers travel across all the country with hives to pollinate plants (!) in zone where intensive culture had destroy the local bees which have disappeared (!) [but the killers bees, more resistant, remain!] These migrant "workers" animals (!) coming temporarily may also interbreed with the killer so that beekeepers traveling with their huge trucks must permanently eliminate the local "queens" suspicious and replace them by "good" ones!! An huge and constant work ! Great, is not it?
Those who will overcome humans. Immanent justice?
The opossum (in fact, "possum") imported into New Zealand for its fur, have
colonized all the country to the point that its population is now 70
millions, ie about 20 times higher than humans !! He devours throughout the forest, eating despite its small huge kilos of green/day, can climb to the treetops of multi centenarians trees and destroying its young leaves. It
reproduces at a rapid pace, and worse, very cleaver, eluding the
poison traps -ultra-dangerous to all other animals and even for men- .. Nothing to do against. Hunters specialists (!) at gold price hunt its in vain, a terrible massacred of thousand of these cute animals without it changing much. Worse, it transmits tuberculosis to cow cattles. "Researchers" has imagined.. to sterilize females, simple operation they say ... except that, to be effective, it will be done at the 3/4 of these, just 5 millions!! to capture, operate, and release (!) Great !
Emmanuel Todd, analysis of crisis
Link with the shining vidéo
And another one with a picture
And another one with a picture
The wolf : I need to sell my products to earn cash. You don't have money?
I lend it for you. Don't say me thank's, it from good heart!
Go and buy all you want, it is the fete !
I lend it for you. Don't say me thank's, it from good heart!
Go and buy all you want, it is the fete !
You cannot buy anymore? I' m going to lend it again for you. But at 13%.
You can't return my money, not pay my interests, Mr Hollande?
And the taxes, is it not made for that ?
With a little "bonus" for us. We are in the same boat, isn'it?
And a employement of minister? Not? So, a geat "bonus" indeed!
Tax exemption for instance. People will protest? You have just to corrupt the chiefs !
I am not going to teach you your job!
The "Point" : What do you think about the debt, the struggle between the states and the market?"
Emmanuel Todd : "it is the same : Brussels, markets, banks, rating agencies are false nose to hide the nature of political power in the world, managed by the rich for the rich under the guise of protecting money of small savers. Markets, it is simply the richest fighting against the poor to control them better. To understand, just observe the cursus of some individuals, between high management, American firms, Brussels and now, downright, governments. If the same caste control markets and states, the opposition between the one and the other has no meaning."
I summarize: states = markets and the so-called struggle between the two can be summarized as follows: one cut onions and the other cry.
You are very light with the money of small savers!
"I refuse to yield to blackmail. When the Mongols conquested cities, they used hostages as human shields. Richest groups do exactly the same thing: its hostages are small savers."
I summarize: states pretending to save small investors in fact come to saving the wealthy, ie banks or themselves {ie men in power as person }.
"Blame the rich!" : Is not excessive?
"No, the excessive accumulation of money in the upper strata of society is one of the characteristics of this period where ordinary people incomes poorer while the richest rising incomes of 1% and , for the small group of upper richest 0.01%. Regarding the States, who (theoretically) have in charge of general interest .. they really act for upper classes who controlled them by the ruling classes serving them."
Summary: nothing new here except that these classes are now mondialy globalized.
Situation would it be better if the rich were less rich?
".. Since 1990, trade openness and liberalization of financial flows have caused a great increase in inequality ... The system is an oligarchy that controls a significant portion of the resources. Under these conditions, the key issue is not the market as such, but of the oligarchy and its relationship to the state."
Is it a group of above-ground of "global elite"?
"In fact, there are several oligarchies whose relations are structured by power relations relentless. Specificity of the French oligarchy is its proximity to the high administration. Its members have often studied in high schools, ENA etc - without necessarily be heirs - and obey to the real bosses, the American oligarchy. Regarding the German oligarchy, newcomer in the system of domination, it handles the french one like vassals. The singular charm the Chinese oligarchy is its close entanglement with the Communist Party! The "left" [progressist party] feeds the illusion of a tie at the top while inequality and heterogeneity characterizes as the top than the bottom of the social world."
I summarize: even within the oligarchy who pulls the strings, there is a great struggle between the super powerful and cuckolds (our leaders).. who sacrifice their people (us) to serve their boss, the americans.
If states lived on credit, they do not have to deplete and enrich person repaying their debt.
"Yes, but the principle of public debt is not comparable to a borrower who would be guilty of too much expenses.. because the banks are at the origin of the debt : the lenders want to place their financial surpluses and earn more money. A State in debt, thanks to the monopoly of legal constraint, is easier to be controlled."
I summarize: the debt is imposed by the rich [ie banks] who have impoverished states in order to invest their surplus money and earn more ... and above all control the borrower states. {Repetition, they are the same, so it is normal.}
So it is not the fault of the governments borrowers?
"Yes because it is their fiscal choices that led them to put in the dependence of the richest. [Obviously for it is those who govern.] Example, lower their taxes, so they can lend resources to the State.. resources which he has deprived himself ! to give them!.. And self-making-monay ban for the state, established by Pompidou law in 1973 and made efficient by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt supposed to be out of reach of French State completes the whole. Annually, the French are thus stolen through direct taxes of € 250 billion, of which almost 50 interest for the wealthiest "lenders" [who organized this situation to their benefit with the collusion of states]. It's what hides the alarmist and moralizing speeches about debt of the country ... Behind the apparent liberal logic of the system, the state is a machine for racketeering the poor people or the middle classes. "
The tax is also the foundation of democracy. When they are reluctant (in Greece) citizens are they victims?
"We pushed the Greeks into debt in order to better strangle them longer. Constantly commercials encourage us to borrow. Banks, forgiveness, the rich like to lend and loan sharks ... then take the houses from those who can not repay. Privatize the property of the Greek state, for example. "
Do you not complotiste? Even if he has pushed by selling drugs, the dealer is it the only one guilty of dependency on drugs?
"The world is a world oligarchy of power and conspiracy. Helping the Greek State, Goldman Sachs acted as a moneylender. Now they call "help" the Greeks, keep ready to be fleeced. Crisis in the euro area has not been fundamentally created by the nonchalance of debtors but by aggressive lenders "[needing debt to sell.. and earn money].
This oligarchy, define yourself as a social class, a class consciousness?
"The oligarchy behaves like a class, but at the same time there is in it of irrationality and even a wind of madness. I wonder whether to use the Marxist analysis of ideology or psychiatry.
vendredi 28 décembre 2012
Underrepresented women in India and elsewhere, unstoppable logic, sexual frustration, rape, violence between males, barbarism, women are a scarce commodity !
Note: these statistics concern the representation of men and women of all ages, so, countries where there are equivalent are not necessarily feminists but sometimes countries where women's condition is such that despite their greater resistance, they die younger than men (female genital mutilation, death in childbirth, etc...)
I remember, long ago (15, 20 years?) when I taught philosophy in IUFM [university for student teachers] I have observed that following these "selective abortions" widely practiced in India, China and so on (80 MILLION WOMEN "MISSING" IN CHINA ONLY !) by clinics offering "packages" all inclusive, economic! gender recognition fetal + abortion if it was a girl, a sort of nice "bonus" ... I have observed that in the next twenty years or even before, there would be such a gender imbalance that it would inevitably generate a nameless barbarism .. unless establish polyandry, formal or informal, difficult in these countries (but it happens, sometimes a woman is forced to marry the brothers with the one "elected").
Young men are deprived of wives and thus in countries where cuckoldry and frolicking are perilous, of all sexuality. Bad, VERY: frustration, fights, rapes, abductions of girls inevitably ensue. And it happens. This will further increase, sexual frustration, poorly tolerated by males, whether goats, dogs, cats, roosters and other two legs animals [worse if associated with unemployment, idleness ] generate all kinds of "overflows" as it is said! Nature does well the things : we are 1/1 to adulthood, one man for one woman, it is perfect .. if it does not add problems as "DSKisme" [from "Dominique Strauss-Khan", the famous french politician (!) that is to say a male jumping on everything that moves and attempting to 'capture' for him alone a whole harem], polygamy, dowry or other bullshit, religious or not which generate the same dramas. [The other men has no women.]
But this is the best, because we are in the sacred domain of "science", or rather the technique that falsely pretends to be science, the "science" used for inéthiques despicable and dangerous aims. How these "Diafoirus" [the name of the doctors in Molières's comedies] who have practiced and still practice [for money] these mass selective abortions have they not seen what would inevitably happen in 15-20 years?
Rape followed by death in the case in question (one of these young Indian died one hour ago from her injuries after agonizing ten days) are the result barbarous, atrocious ... and perfectly predictable of mass selective abortions. The culprits are in order: the rapists of course, but also the authorities who leave run because when an act, so barbaric as it is, is so common, police (briefed? For statistics?) tends to refuse to register it, tends to minimize it, for example in the case of the girl who committed suicide after her complaint was REFUSED, the cops told her to accept financial compensation! or to marry one of her rapists, at her choice ! -great! " one day raped, all her live raped ! "- even to blame her, as it was done by a "scientific" [I love] for the young girl who died of his injuries this morning ["if she had not resisted, her intestines would had been intact or not so torn," she observed ! Morality, if you get raped, sodomized [which is almost always the case] do not cry, well relax, don't forget to take Vaseline in your bag when you have to take public transport, just in case, you never know, and wait for it to pass, you will have more chance to stay alive! - ] but if we go back in upstream, the FIRST responsibles who will never be worried and even made and still make their butter [money] with the gynocide are "selective abortionists" of futurs babies girls.
In french here (link)
US in 7 mottos.
Vae victis. Woe to the vanquished ! Malheur aux vaincus.
It is not my problem ! Ce n'est pas mon problème.
God with us ! Dieu (est) avec nous.
We are Number one ! Nous sommes numéro UN.
Why I do that ? Because I can ! Pourquoi fais-je cela? Parce que je le peux.
I can to do, thus I have the right to do ! Je peux faire, donc j'ai le droit de faire.
I loooove you ! Je vous aiaiaime!
It is not my problem ! Ce n'est pas mon problème.
God with us ! Dieu (est) avec nous.
We are Number one ! Nous sommes numéro UN.
Why I do that ? Because I can ! Pourquoi fais-je cela? Parce que je le peux.
I can to do, thus I have the right to do ! Je peux faire, donc j'ai le droit de faire.
I loooove you ! Je vous aiaiaime!
jeudi 27 décembre 2012
USA, the live which depends of a credit card
In french here (link)
Newtown. The United States, the most violent country that is. Structurally. Built from two genocides that persist. Life which depend of a credit card. Where human live weighs nothing.
It seems obvious that the Maya prophecy has occured, except that the only world that has disappeared as a myth is America. These massacres are symptoms, the top of an iceberg. They will not stop. This does not mean we have to stop fighting. We would like to see more restrictive laws (ban semi automatic weapons AND automatic chargers with over 7 balls, more controls of health ...) but this will help to reduce the number of deaths by gunfire (in New York where it is virtually impossible to buy a handgun, the number of murders dropped from 2200 to less than 400), but it will not put an end to mass killings, because not solve the fundamental problems that generate it.
Connecticut (20 infants murdered on 14 December) has one of the most stringent legislative arsenals in the matter, the killer was not a deliquent , never referenced in a shop weapon, all the weapons he used were legal, school Sandy Hook was double-locked BEFORE his arrival and simulation exercises took place to prevent such an episode ... One point: he stopped his massacre (by suiciding) when he saw armed cops in enclosure, so they prevented 20, 40 or 100 another victims. So sometimes, the guns, it works. That said, there was a sheriff at Columbine the day of slaughter and he could not prevent anything.
New legislation, necessary, would be cosmetic because in our nation, born from a genocide and built by another (slavery), human life weighs nothing, we "civilized" the Wild West with the six gun blows, we rape, fight and kill our women at a staggering pace, every three hours a woman is killed, we belong to this illustrious group (North Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran) which still apply the death penalty. Thousands of us die each year from lack of medical insurance coverage.
Why? because we can! In us there is a huge arrogance that makes us believe that there is something exceptional in us when compared to "other". We are Number 1 in all areas, even if our students are 17th in science, 25th in math (and philosophy? Mmm?) And our life expectancy is 35th in the world .. we are the largest democracy in the world while our turnout rate is the lowest of all in the West. Os we are the strongest and best people in all areas, we demand and take what we want.
And for that we behave sometimes like son of a bitch, on the general plan (invasion of countries) AND personnel, and this is not a malfunction, but instead the "normal" functioning of a nation so built. And if one of us shoting every body reveals the psychotic nature and the consequences of our structural violence, for example at Newtown, Aurora and Virginia Tech, then "our compassion towards the victims" and "significant measures" promised by our presidents are plasters on a wooden leg.
Americans are the most violent people on earth.
1 poverty. 50 million live in poverty, one in five suffer from hunger, the majority has nothing at the end of the month .. which leads to more crime or crimes. Jobs prevent violence. If my neighbor has a real job and earns $ 50 000 a year, is there is a risk that he enters my home, kills me to stole my TV? No.
2 fear, racism. We are a people extremely fearful if one wants to consider that unlike most nations have never been invaded .. Why do we need 300 million guns? It is normal that the Russians may be afraid with 20 million of them died during the 2nd World War. But we? Are they afraid that the Indians return to the path of war? That Canadians bought too many cafeterias on both sides of the border? The vast majority of weapons are bought by whites living in residential suburbs or the countryside who are afraid of black or poor. When we fantasize about aggression, what image have we in our head of the aggressor? The kid with freckles of the house next door? not ! but a black or at least, an outcast.
3 society "I do it myself." It is this ethic of "
everyone for himself" that generates this disintegration. I manage on my own. This is not your problem. This is mine. You get sick, you can not pay for the operation? Not my problem. [A colleague, French, who suffered of full-exsanguination after a spontaneous abortion, was refused an intervention hospital (curettage and suture) until her credit card may be charged and would probably be dead 30 years old if she could not get a friend to advance illico the money: she was not a "real" poor -in this case she would have died- but just unlucky.] The bank took your home? Not my problem. You cannot go to college? Not my problem. This is a society where it is rightly to be afraid. Life which depends of a blue card malfunction, this is not reassuring. And besides, that is not my problem, at one time or another, become MY problem. But the others are going to say me "that is not my problem" etc.. A circle.
[I saw during trips] other countries believe that taking care of each and every one benefits all. Care, tuition fees, assistance to mentally ill, free... it is not only for "them" (the poor), but for all. For instance, a patient untreated contaminates other and so on.. So ultimately it benefits EVERYONE. Why we can not we see it? Because in many other countries, people do not perceive themselves as individual entities but as members of a group on the path of life, each existing as part of a whole, one by the other. We help those in need while in USA they are punished for it! because they were unlucky or because they are in a bad way. For us, that's their problem. In any case mine. Short-sighted.
This is why the mass murders by gunfire in other countries are so rare: their citizens are not afflicted with the mentality of the lone wolf hunting and have received their education in the direction of the link, a total solidarity. So difficult to kill each other. We do not. "
Note. This lack of education is sometimes found in some, even in France, more among those who lack culture, blind to the idea of solidarity that prevent to the short-sighted selfishness of a "society of wolves" leading to violence, legal or not. When one political elected, as minimal as it was, says about an injustice done to an victim, voluntarily or not "who cares, it's a single woman, clueless and without siblings nor man, she will not complain" it is this principle that is at stake. Not real? No, it happened to me (link). When another "cuckold" rightly protesting against sewer evacuations -shit- of the village (going straight on to the river!) and overflowing in his home (! this only matters to him) .. refuses to denounce it in the hope of getting an advantage important for him, it is the same principle which is at stake because our society evolves towards the U.S., and the vision of Moore of France is a bit idyllic. This derives, paradoxically, "begins" down, in the remote countryside whose nobody cares, but if we do not pay attention, it can reach to urban populations who in this point are better, more solidarity, more responsive. Link with "novel of check point" (english) or the same report in french here.
Newtown. The United States, the most violent country that is. Structurally. Built from two genocides that persist. Life which depend of a credit card. Where human live weighs nothing.
It seems obvious that the Maya prophecy has occured, except that the only world that has disappeared as a myth is America. These massacres are symptoms, the top of an iceberg. They will not stop. This does not mean we have to stop fighting. We would like to see more restrictive laws (ban semi automatic weapons AND automatic chargers with over 7 balls, more controls of health ...) but this will help to reduce the number of deaths by gunfire (in New York where it is virtually impossible to buy a handgun, the number of murders dropped from 2200 to less than 400), but it will not put an end to mass killings, because not solve the fundamental problems that generate it.
Connecticut (20 infants murdered on 14 December) has one of the most stringent legislative arsenals in the matter, the killer was not a deliquent , never referenced in a shop weapon, all the weapons he used were legal, school Sandy Hook was double-locked BEFORE his arrival and simulation exercises took place to prevent such an episode ... One point: he stopped his massacre (by suiciding) when he saw armed cops in enclosure, so they prevented 20, 40 or 100 another victims. So sometimes, the guns, it works. That said, there was a sheriff at Columbine the day of slaughter and he could not prevent anything.
New legislation, necessary, would be cosmetic because in our nation, born from a genocide and built by another (slavery), human life weighs nothing, we "civilized" the Wild West with the six gun blows, we rape, fight and kill our women at a staggering pace, every three hours a woman is killed, we belong to this illustrious group (North Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran) which still apply the death penalty. Thousands of us die each year from lack of medical insurance coverage.
Why? because we can! In us there is a huge arrogance that makes us believe that there is something exceptional in us when compared to "other". We are Number 1 in all areas, even if our students are 17th in science, 25th in math (and philosophy? Mmm?) And our life expectancy is 35th in the world .. we are the largest democracy in the world while our turnout rate is the lowest of all in the West. Os we are the strongest and best people in all areas, we demand and take what we want.
And for that we behave sometimes like son of a bitch, on the general plan (invasion of countries) AND personnel, and this is not a malfunction, but instead the "normal" functioning of a nation so built. And if one of us shoting every body reveals the psychotic nature and the consequences of our structural violence, for example at Newtown, Aurora and Virginia Tech, then "our compassion towards the victims" and "significant measures" promised by our presidents are plasters on a wooden leg.
Americans are the most violent people on earth.
1 poverty. 50 million live in poverty, one in five suffer from hunger, the majority has nothing at the end of the month .. which leads to more crime or crimes. Jobs prevent violence. If my neighbor has a real job and earns $ 50 000 a year, is there is a risk that he enters my home, kills me to stole my TV? No.
2 fear, racism. We are a people extremely fearful if one wants to consider that unlike most nations have never been invaded .. Why do we need 300 million guns? It is normal that the Russians may be afraid with 20 million of them died during the 2nd World War. But we? Are they afraid that the Indians return to the path of war? That Canadians bought too many cafeterias on both sides of the border? The vast majority of weapons are bought by whites living in residential suburbs or the countryside who are afraid of black or poor. When we fantasize about aggression, what image have we in our head of the aggressor? The kid with freckles of the house next door? not ! but a black or at least, an outcast.
3 society "I do it myself." It is this ethic of "
everyone for himself" that generates this disintegration. I manage on my own. This is not your problem. This is mine. You get sick, you can not pay for the operation? Not my problem. [A colleague, French, who suffered of full-exsanguination after a spontaneous abortion, was refused an intervention hospital (curettage and suture) until her credit card may be charged and would probably be dead 30 years old if she could not get a friend to advance illico the money: she was not a "real" poor -in this case she would have died- but just unlucky.] The bank took your home? Not my problem. You cannot go to college? Not my problem. This is a society where it is rightly to be afraid. Life which depends of a blue card malfunction, this is not reassuring. And besides, that is not my problem, at one time or another, become MY problem. But the others are going to say me "that is not my problem" etc.. A circle.
[I saw during trips] other countries believe that taking care of each and every one benefits all. Care, tuition fees, assistance to mentally ill, free... it is not only for "them" (the poor), but for all. For instance, a patient untreated contaminates other and so on.. So ultimately it benefits EVERYONE. Why we can not we see it? Because in many other countries, people do not perceive themselves as individual entities but as members of a group on the path of life, each existing as part of a whole, one by the other. We help those in need while in USA they are punished for it! because they were unlucky or because they are in a bad way. For us, that's their problem. In any case mine. Short-sighted.
This is why the mass murders by gunfire in other countries are so rare: their citizens are not afflicted with the mentality of the lone wolf hunting and have received their education in the direction of the link, a total solidarity. So difficult to kill each other. We do not. "
Note. This lack of education is sometimes found in some, even in France, more among those who lack culture, blind to the idea of solidarity that prevent to the short-sighted selfishness of a "society of wolves" leading to violence, legal or not. When one political elected, as minimal as it was, says about an injustice done to an victim, voluntarily or not "who cares, it's a single woman, clueless and without siblings nor man, she will not complain" it is this principle that is at stake. Not real? No, it happened to me (link). When another "cuckold" rightly protesting against sewer evacuations -shit- of the village (going straight on to the river!) and overflowing in his home (! this only matters to him) .. refuses to denounce it in the hope of getting an advantage important for him, it is the same principle which is at stake because our society evolves towards the U.S., and the vision of Moore of France is a bit idyllic. This derives, paradoxically, "begins" down, in the remote countryside whose nobody cares, but if we do not pay attention, it can reach to urban populations who in this point are better, more solidarity, more responsive. Link with "novel of check point" (english) or the same report in french here.
mardi 25 décembre 2012
Novel from check point
Following of (link)
En français ici (lien)
A woman against the town hall of her village and a victory for all women
[Or "No one is voluntarily wicked*"]
En français ici (lien)
A dramatic and funny novel
from an Ceven village about an other kind of gender harassment. And another, and lot of others! fights
against sexism, farcial here.
A true novel from Cévennes (link) in the south of France, cf map, between
“Jean Giono” and “Kafka” ! a village where rages an huge intellectual poverty,
rough, nevertheless my village which I like ! where sexism, harassment (in my
case and lot of others, financial)… with an happy end. A very hard victory. I
lost some money, lot of energy and sometimes, during crises of depression,
trust in me. (Video on the first link.) Now it is over, I hope. Under the sun
which shines every day, the beauty of nature (link) and the kindness of people
[superficial because they often are frightened by the powerful men's
establishment]... the reality is sexist brutality -soft- for example the
harassment which I suffered during more than 4 years, not sexual but of gender.
Sometimes, I did not dare to open my mail box (not email). A woman is not
treated as a man, she seems to be an easy target, especially if she is
"alone", I mean without man, neither brothers nor sisters, and
intellectual militant, not conformist too may be. On one side, men, developers
of little weight but which behave as princes or feudal lords, politics one, rich
sometimes, and their court … and against them, in this case, one woman (and 200
braves signatories of a petition, what is enormous in this lost little town of
3500 persons only.) This woman, it is me. A detail, I am 63 years old and I
lived during all this time with less than 700 €/month, so very scantily,
because of important taxes (I have an house and land large enough from my
family but I can't eat stones and trees!) what is very good in the end (I feel
better) and now, because of this not completely tragic situation (in my case) I
suffered, that of women, poor, illiterates, gypsies, excluded.. those whom
society has thrown into the hole or left along the road in the ditch, I
understand better how people
can feel powerless, annihilated and for that, too weak to be able to rebel and
fight. I'll never forget. I fed on nature, plants, pickings, as much as possible and to day I like this way of life, ecological, that respects nature..
and I intend to continue! A misfortune can become a fortune. Now, may be,
women, here, will dare to raise a little the head. An example, yes, and a good
All these fights against
sexism, not so hard than in Egypt, in "free said" countries,
sometimes underground, harass the women's existence from day to day and can
throw them into an abyss -depression and even suicide-, here is an other one,
in a sense a comic one, of a single woman
against the city hall of her village. A woman whose a small established
promoter -in this case, the mayor's father- have mistakenly demolished her
house [he was condemned to reconstruct it at his own expenses].. a woman
who, soon after, was charged for 4000 E. for a water consumption -an Olympic swimming-pool
for two months!-.. in the house in which she never could live… because it was
in danger to collapse. Her salary was partially seized and her accounts so. Farcical, but it is
not a joke ! 6 days in two times of hunger strike in vain or nearly, she had to
assign the town hall in justice. And to day, after one and a half year, the
justice sentences it to pay off to her the not due sums taken from her account.
A victory, certainly, but during two years, she was reduced to a total poverty
until having difficulty in feeding. And it is the inhabitants of the village,
the taxpayers who have to pay trial and outlays. This video with splendid music
(in french but easy to understand) shows it well. This woman, it is me.
Politic analysis of machist power, "right" and
"left" together! -the case begins with the "right" and continues exactly in the same way.. with the "left"- yet elected to clean up the
management of the "right" who had sadly
ruled the village during more than 60 years! [Often, politicians vary and
trust in them is folly.]
Landsberg, lien, une fable
According to Landsberg, the bull'fight against
man is exactly like the live of human in society which is like a bullring;
theydon't fight against their real torturer but against a scarf that they
shakes in front of them like the matador in front on the powerfull animal for
joke. When it understand that it don't have to rush against the scarf but
against the man, it is killed. So does the poors who d'ont realize their strenght
and make a mistake about ennemies, manipulated by their exploiters aginst them
they did't dare to rebel. So did some men about women.
Politic, an art of a
matador, where it happens that
one lose.. euh.. we can
say.. some.. "feathers" ..
: will this handsome gentleman still be able to participate efficiently at the
specie biodiversity?
A woman against the town hall of her village and a victory for all women
[Or "No one is voluntarily wicked*"]
"Glass jar against iron
one never wins",
Perverse fatalism, miserable tune
For poor crushed .. from mercifull businessmen !
Comfortable, useful.
But sometimes it happens that in an unlikely fight
The glass jar, the iron one breaks !
An example for his countless brothers and sisters
Transparent, excluded, lonely -as they mistakenly believe-.
Women, old, outcaste, injured,
Those whom society has left on the road side,
Thrown down into the ditch where they were sent,
No daring to speak, read and barely to think,
So hunted in pack’s to run,
In the quiet continuity
Of an obstinate and childish machism.
Perverse fatalism, miserable tune
For poor crushed .. from mercifull businessmen !
Comfortable, useful.
But sometimes it happens that in an unlikely fight
The glass jar, the iron one breaks !
An example for his countless brothers and sisters
Transparent, excluded, lonely -as they mistakenly believe-.
Women, old, outcaste, injured,
Those whom society has left on the road side,
Thrown down into the ditch where they were sent,
No daring to speak, read and barely to think,
So hunted in pack’s to run,
In the quiet continuity
Of an obstinate and childish machism.
And here it happens, by a
shooting’s error,
.. -A bit daring shoot !
Against so little taken, no need to adjust-,
That skittles shot the ball !
.. -A bit daring shoot !
Against so little taken, no need to adjust-,
That skittles shot the ball !
But politic is an transverse art
Where rivals devour each others by fellows interposed,
Sometimes skittles promoted balls ! –cheap ones-
Who, as soon as they escape out of the pass,
Run up for the quarry,
Sink -or try to- the tug which drew them before !
When some small-scale "Rastignac"
For cook all of them are warming the stove!
Victory indeed, but the bull at the barks
Where rivals devour each others by fellows interposed,
Sometimes skittles promoted balls ! –cheap ones-
Who, as soon as they escape out of the pass,
Run up for the quarry,
Sink -or try to- the tug which drew them before !
When some small-scale "Rastignac"
For cook all of them are warming the stove!
Victory indeed, but the bull at the barks
Who turns over and rushes
[Tree times!] goes right, crushing the poor thicks,
In front of her, one after one..
[Tree times!] goes right, crushing the poor thicks,
In front of her, one after one..
When the authors of the
Well stashed far from the arena, in anyway winners! exult.
Theatre : one against five and twenty servants following,
Tomcats giving a little scratch for a fish, talkative cowards,
Revolutionaries of pavement for bissextiles years..
Entertaining and useful play ! As a train, a politic man
Can hides not an other one but a lot in single file
By the smell of the cheese -or of blood- attracted,
Foxes of all kinds at the count of their marbles,
Or of their dividends. Cruel stories,
Not only for the deer became bull
But even more for the hunters
Became deer..
Another collateral damage, a social one, the worst :
In these comrades kinds of fight, nobody wins or looses
But everybody looses [here, what it's calling "left" !]
A shame for the all ; bitter victory, as a Phyrrus one.
But women's victory indeed.
And thanks for the two hundred signatories of the petition, brave
Supinators of a glass village with disastrous nickname.**
*We can also say "the nasty is someone who is mistaken."
Well stashed far from the arena, in anyway winners! exult.
Theatre : one against five and twenty servants following,
Tomcats giving a little scratch for a fish, talkative cowards,
Revolutionaries of pavement for bissextiles years..
Entertaining and useful play ! As a train, a politic man
Can hides not an other one but a lot in single file
By the smell of the cheese -or of blood- attracted,
Foxes of all kinds at the count of their marbles,
Or of their dividends. Cruel stories,
Not only for the deer became bull
But even more for the hunters
Became deer..
Another collateral damage, a social one, the worst :
In these comrades kinds of fight, nobody wins or looses
But everybody looses [here, what it's calling "left" !]
A shame for the all ; bitter victory, as a Phyrrus one.
But women's victory indeed.
And thanks for the two hundred signatories of the petition, brave
Supinators of a glass village with disastrous nickname.**
*We can also say "the nasty is someone who is mistaken."
** "St muddles"
lundi 24 décembre 2012
For Guaranis, indian people ready to suicide together
For efficiency, the petition is in several
places on the most read blogs
An image to relay everywhere, we never know, with a president (former guerrilla), it can work!
Here in english
"Nous, 50 hommes, 50 femmes, 70 enfants
Guarani-Kaiowá (lien) du Brésil*
exposons ici notre situation et
notre décision définitive face à l’ordre d’expulsion par la Justice
Fédérale dossier nº 00000 32-87. 2012.4.03.6006 du 29/09/2012. Nous
avons été avertis que nous allions être
attaqués et expulsés des rives du fleuve par la propre Justice Fédérale
Navirai**. Ainsi, il est évident que l’action même de la Justice
du Brésil génère et augmente les violences contre nous, bafouant nos droits de
survivre sur nos terres ancestrales, les rives du fleuve Hovy. Il est clair
que cette décision de la Justice Fédérale fait parti du génocide historique des
peuples indigènes. Nous proclamons au Gouvernement et à la Justice Fédérale que
nous avons perdu l’espoir de survivre dignement*** et sans violence ici et que
nous ne croyons plus en leur Justice. A qui allons-nous dénoncer le génocide pratiqué
contre nous ? A ceux qui l’alimentent ?
Nous avons évalué notre situation et avons conclu que nous allons tous mourir sous peu, nous n’avons et n’aurons pas la possibilité de vivre dignement tant sur la rive du Hovy que loin d’ici. Nous campons à 50 mètres du fleuve et 4 des nôtres ont déjà été tués, 2 par suicide, 2 sous la torture des hommes armés au service des grands propriétaires. Nous vivons sur ces rives depuis plus d’un an, sans protection, isolés et encerclés par ces tueurs ; nous ne mangeons qu’une fois par jour ; tout cela nous l'avons subi pour retrouver notre terre**** au centre de laquelle est le cimetière de nos ancêtres, anciens et proches, aïeux, aïeules... Nous avons résisté jusqu’à ce jour mais à présent nous avons tous décidé de ne pas partir. Nous allons et voulons être tués et enterrés ici. Nous avons déjà beaucoup souffert, nous sommes massacrés et mourons à un rythme rapide. Nous n’allons pas partir. Nous avons décidé d’être tués ici, collectivement. Nous demandons une fois pour toutes à la Justice Fédérale***** de décréter notre extermination totale, d’envoyer des tracteurs pour creuser une fosse et de nous y enterrer ensemble. Nous n’avons pas d’autre option, telle est la dernière décision unanime de nous, Guaranis."
Pour le gouvernement du Brésil et sa présidente Madame Dilma Roussef (lien)
Suite à l'appel des Guaranis chassés de leurs terres ancestrales et à présent prêts à un suicide collectif, vous vous supplions d'empêcher l'injustice qui leur a été faite et de leur accorder le droit de vivre sur un territoire qui pour eux est dans leur culture celui seul où ils peuvent vivre dignement, quelle que soient la manière dont il vivent, en le cas dans le plus grand dénuement.
Signer ici (lien avec la pétition)
Petition for the Government of Brazil and its President Dilma Rousseff (called Joan of Arc) (link)
"Madam Président, Mr and Mrs ministers
Following the call of the Guarani driven from their ancestral lands and now ready to collective suicide, we beseech you to prevent the injustice that has been done and give them the right to live in an area where for them, in their culture, is the only one where they can live with dignity, regardless of how they live, here in the greatest destitution."
Sign here (link with petition)
Nous avons évalué notre situation et avons conclu que nous allons tous mourir sous peu, nous n’avons et n’aurons pas la possibilité de vivre dignement tant sur la rive du Hovy que loin d’ici. Nous campons à 50 mètres du fleuve et 4 des nôtres ont déjà été tués, 2 par suicide, 2 sous la torture des hommes armés au service des grands propriétaires. Nous vivons sur ces rives depuis plus d’un an, sans protection, isolés et encerclés par ces tueurs ; nous ne mangeons qu’une fois par jour ; tout cela nous l'avons subi pour retrouver notre terre**** au centre de laquelle est le cimetière de nos ancêtres, anciens et proches, aïeux, aïeules... Nous avons résisté jusqu’à ce jour mais à présent nous avons tous décidé de ne pas partir. Nous allons et voulons être tués et enterrés ici. Nous avons déjà beaucoup souffert, nous sommes massacrés et mourons à un rythme rapide. Nous n’allons pas partir. Nous avons décidé d’être tués ici, collectivement. Nous demandons une fois pour toutes à la Justice Fédérale***** de décréter notre extermination totale, d’envoyer des tracteurs pour creuser une fosse et de nous y enterrer ensemble. Nous n’avons pas d’autre option, telle est la dernière décision unanime de nous, Guaranis."
La pétititon
Pour le gouvernement du Brésil et sa présidente Madame Dilma Roussef (lien)
Suite à l'appel des Guaranis chassés de leurs terres ancestrales et à présent prêts à un suicide collectif, vous vous supplions d'empêcher l'injustice qui leur a été faite et de leur accorder le droit de vivre sur un territoire qui pour eux est dans leur culture celui seul où ils peuvent vivre dignement, quelle que soient la manière dont il vivent, en le cas dans le plus grand dénuement.
Signer ici (lien avec la pétition)
Petition for the Government of Brazil and its President Dilma Rousseff (called Joan of Arc) (link)
"Madam Président, Mr and Mrs ministers
Following the call of the Guarani driven from their ancestral lands and now ready to collective suicide, we beseech you to prevent the injustice that has been done and give them the right to live in an area where for them, in their culture, is the only one where they can live with dignity, regardless of how they live, here in the greatest destitution."
Sign here (link with petition)
samedi 22 décembre 2012
Politicians, are they really usefull and for what?
At what serve politicians ?
France: 1 million, 80 "députés".
Of two things, or French are 80 times more difficult to manage (may be because they are more intelligent than the americans, but 80 times more, indeed ?) or they are 80 times more stupid.. or one could get rid on trash 820 without problem, so saving lot of our money. A simple way to escape of the crisis!
Notable exception
The president the poorest of the world who reverse his salary to the people. So does his wife, Lucia ex "tupamaros" (photo), emprisonned, 10 years for her, and tortured. "We need little" they say.
The power don't change a person,
it only reveals what he really is (in french here, link).
vendredi 21 décembre 2012
The case of Sadia, a young pakistani girl, murdered by her family
One pakistani "Juliette" and her "Roméo"
![]() |
Her four murderers |
The story: a Pakistani family perfectly "integrated", [if one may say!] hard workers, prosperous merchants, 4 daughters, 1 son. People who, as the father says blandly at his trial "are not anyone" (!) in their country and have rank to hold. An high one. Miracle of the internet, everything they do is broadcasted "in live" by webcam for all of the "tribe" in Pakistan where they go often. In fact, Pakistan, its clans [and customs!] they have never left. "Belgian" they are, but for them, it is merely theoretical. They belong to a closed group, a close circle where chastity of girls, forced marriages, [preferably between cousins] are the rule, which is no better for them than for the kings of France.
As it often happens in eastern families with numerous children, the roles of each other are early strictly casted. The boy, especially unique is obviously the chief, the shepherd of the cattle, the "missi domici" of father and here, the mother too. Even younger, even less clever [here, it is the case] he will be dedicated to control his sisters, specially on the crucial point of honor.. that is to say .. their sex! Role a little too big for such a small character who confesses during his trial "when my father talking, I look down".. and he obeys without question.
A family not without hypocrisy indeed : the religious and "virtuous" father has mistresses [his son overhears "hard" chats -who horrifies him] and thinks to rebuild his life in Pakistan with another woman; the son charged with ensuring the good behaviour of his sisters, drinks ; the youngest daughter who denounces Sadia at her father, sometimes smokes shit ; the mother, formerly humiliated to have had only daughters, who plays emotional card -threatens suicide-.. sets a trap for Sadia ; and the olders, married in the good tradition, tell what suits them, as big as it was [lot of nonsense following] for example, "their father is good and accommodating, even too weak with Sadia" (!) "their mother is "loving and gentle" and has never thought about her daughter's death".. (while she wrote in a texto "I'd rather see her dead than married a non-Muslim").. and other spiels. An incredible familial "novel" imagined to mislead the court, the public, everybody. A pathological, toxic family where the truth is turning as a boat with the wind in a hurricane... where the truth is only what one have to say (to invent) at a given time, in order to entangle others, to persuade them of what you want they think, that is to say what is advantageous for you or yours, and disadvantageous for those you hate, those against whom you plead, here, Sadia, although she is dead, assassinated by these "so gentle and weak" one. As you like it.. Indecent speech, headache, vertigo..
The most talented girl here is Sadia : good student, loved by her teachers and all her comrades, nice and generous unthinkable. [Feeling she might be killed, she made a "will" three days before her death and asked her companion not to complaint against her family.] She was called "Cinderella" [likely she takes care of all the tasks others do not want to do.]
Because meantime, father and mother [note : here, her role is equivalent or worse than these of her son and husband because she plays on the emotions, the love Sadia anyway feels for her family... and against one of her nieces (according to the young woman who did not dare to testify at trial because she was afraid) also forced to marry a cousin, she was witness of her rape ordererd by the family (the young woman refused to bed with her husband). So Sadia knew what to expect] .. her parents decided to marry her, with a cousin of course.. But they are not retrograde (!) they claim the court [typical attitude of the accused bragging about what they did not commit: the attacker claims he did not rape; the rapist, he did not kill..] they have left her "free". Well ! So she chose her future husband by herself ! Good ! So, where is the problem? The versatility of a young girl who "flies" from one man to another? Not a "casus belli" indeed ! But not at all: "free", in their special vocabulary, means they have left her the "choice" [by web cam!] between several candidates, they are not retrograde! Tasty! So, harassed by her whole family including her sisters [identically "forced married" but who have folded into the mold up to the point of become accomplice of their persecutors (nevertheless they had ruined their life) against another victim, the Stockholm syndrome (link) ! ] So Sadia "chose" the "less worst" of the prospective husbands presented to her by web cam! "Free", as her "advanced" parents claim. Indeed?
And there, it is burlesque, a mixture of medieval story and a futurist novel of the 23th century: a "marriage" [not legal in Belgium and in Pakistan too, of course] by web cam! with Imam, between two "promised" to 2000 km away who had never seen each other ! ... A masquerade: she obviously thought she was not really engaged and the fact is. Error! In Pakistan, for her family, ["the law is me" as said Louis XIV ! ] she is "truly" married, tickets are ready to send her to her "husband" [kidnapped would be more accurate.] She knew? probably because she leaks. The tragedy of her cousin that her mother was the mainspring made her suspicious, and rightly so. And it was the military expedition, missed: her father, brother and one sister try to took her with several car in circle around her high school as a pray. She escaped. She had already fled several times, but she returned each time, the mother calls her, begs her, the sisters, their comedy.... Threatened, torn, she loves her family all the same. "She was too gentle" said a schoolmate of her.
This time, she is in a shelter for battered women. Was she also beaten? The lawsuit says nothing about that but her admission suggests she was. Shame for her parents? Yes, and this time it's justified. For them, not for her. And finally "free", she really fell in love.

The drama. It is "Eid", the end of Ramadan, her mother, sisters, brother beg her to come back. She knows risking her life, as attest her will writen just before [awfull, a young girl 20 years old who write her will before going at her "home" for a feast!] but she tries yet again the impossible, she will speak, trying to get her "forgiveness", driven by her love for her companion, the culture she gained in high school, by her friends, teachers, the country that is hers more than Pakistan.
Her brother had bought a gun, munitions. Messages are exchanged between her mother, sister, father, speaking of her as "the bitch." Her behavior, in the mind of her brother, is a shame, especially for him. Chastity of his sisters, this is the honor of a brother he says! The trap closes on Sadia; the parents are not there, she did not even have time to remove her coat, she sees the weapon, wants to flee, her sister prevents her to escape, he shots, she dies, all is over. Juliette is dead.
During the trial, he confessed that he also thought to shot his other sister ! [not only Sadia the "whore"] because she smoked shit (!) and later, perhaps, would fall down as the "bitch". Since I had killed one, I thought I could also kill the other, he says ! [prevention is better than cure isn'it?] this one who had helped him to murder Sadia! He renounced. For that? Who says? She was married [and, at the trial, pregnant !] in the good tradition, with a man who also strongly defended his "step family" [although he failed to be a widower for their deeds!] She was sentenced to 5 years and don't appeal. Lack of strength she said, but probably because the sentence, extremely generous [it will be reduced as usual to the half] for complicity in a murder might have been increased in appeal.
This hate against her, did the father and mother instilled at the whole family? Have they induced him to kill her as his lawyer proclaims? It is obvious that the young man who says when his father speaks he looks down [and apparently it is the same when his mother speaks] did not have the stuff to do it alone. He is also a "Stockholm syndrome", and probably has suffered many vagaries because of his father and mother (he became a murderer, so his trial!) as all the others, but he never see it. The counsel for the father, of course, says the opposite: he acted alone without any influence [but what about the messages exchanged between the members of family talking about Sadia as "the bitch", and in this surrounding, ("the father who is not anyone"!) what it must be done with a "whore" if not kill her?] Note : the paterfamilias loved by all [but "a little too indulgent (!) with Sadia" say the young man (!) and one of his sisters not involved in the murder but defending her parents tooth and nail] the father : 1, betrays his son, apparently offered in propitiation victim to the country that welcomed his, and 2, shows none remorse or regret. As in all Stockholm Syndrome, the chief acts by "soldier", henchman [who is also his victim] and loose him if he is caught... [Usually the "soldier" under influence agrees to his own sacrifice, but here, the young man's lawyer refuses : his customer, as he said, is a robot of his father and it is probably true: 5 years at least of prison to remove or to add by the judge, it worths.] As well the father of course does not defend the murderer [or more precisely his "military arm"] but he will have this involuntary confession: "in Pakistan, I'm not a little man, so I would have to answer many questions about her, many! then she died, we talked about an accident and there is longer problem." Indeed! She died = no problem. Especially if it is not him who shot her. So, his counsel requested the acquittal. Normal!
But Belgian judges decides: 1 the influence of father and mother on the murderer; 2 an hate crime against a vulnerable person because of her sex, her ethnic group ; and 3 conspiracy meeting to accomplish it.. and found parents more guilty than the son who shot Sadia and the daughter who has prevented her from escaping. A first, interesting, to invoke racism including when it comes from people of the same ethnic group, and just. Which will perhaps make to think to the other "virtuous" fathers.
Although politically incorrect, the Shiekh family did not bring water to the mill of the cause of immigrants.. but rather an heavy stone as all the crimes of "honor" and they are a lot (link.)
The "franssouillais"
What about the deprivation of their belgium nationality as suggested on some forums? To adopt a nationality is not to choose a coat and require to accept -relatively- laws, especially if they are just, [however even a coat must be the right size!] Politically incorrect? Yes. The naive idea: immigrants = disadvantaged, poors = solidarity, sometimes, unquestionably disregards a reality that for some of them, original situation is rather good. So, they choose a country simply because it seems better -perhaps more liberal about some points interesting for them.-
The fact is : those who want and can depart need money, contacts, bribes, levers; sometimes they are not stalked by a tyrannical system as it can be imagined ; however, playing on this aria, they can trap. It is common that when they return home wealthy, adorned with the aura of "French", for visits or permanently, they sometimes behave like chiefs who have nothing to envy to the small local potentates, if they earned money and wisely invest it [houses, land, hotels, shops ..] The Turks have a pejorative word to designate them : "franssouillais", which means arrogant, watch-to-me and .. exploiters. In "Kurdish wedding"*, the hero speaks with irony of those [Turkish] who returned home to look for slaves, specially kurdish -the cheapest- (or for a wife) to serve low-cost business they have created with money earned in France, not necessarily quite legal he says, but bleached in legal affairs. Both respected and feared [they are rich and powerful] .. and hated for their greed and contempt for the poor. Two facets of interesting characters he observes ironically, in France, friendly, and in their country, "franssouillais." That is sometimes the behaviour of the first generation ["new-rich"] and these attitudes disappear at the second.. that of their children, born and remained in France, as long as their families allowed them to integrate, for example to study, marry with who they desire... and sometimes.. they don't. Link with the gallery portrait.
* Link with abstract of the book (in french.)
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