En français ici (dossier barre latérale)
In France, in this period of hard crisis, the
minister specifically responsible for the suppression of tax evasion, Jérôme Cahuzac, [who
said to us all the time we would have to make more and more savings, who
reduced pensions, social aids.. and so on].. has been indicted for an huge tax evasion (!)
revealed by an excellent online newspaper, "Médiapart". After denying in public with a
outstanding talent of actor, he was forced to admit he had lied. Incredible,
such an affair, and it is sure he is not alone to do that. People are revolted.
A ministerial crisis shakes the country like never before. We laugh African
countries where corruption is rife ... but we have here the worse it is
possible to imagine!
[Swiss bank (UBS) in which he had hidden his money (for not paying taxes!!)
have admitted to French judges he had an account with them (transfered
at Singapore by security).. -So he is angry!-]
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