samedi 30 novembre 2013

Hygiene and racism

Hygiene is a formidable weapon and a more sociological than medical concept: the smell is the most labile of our senses and we can always invoke a "smell" to stigmatize and humiliate those we hate (an ethnic group, "race", women, animals). Nobody will dare to say it does not feel because he would seem as "dirty" as those incriminated! Basically, we have love .. or hatred. From whom you accept to wash panties? This is when my ex told me "all my sisters and my mother," that I realized that there was here the crux of the problem. Me, not. But with my kids, my mother, yes and he, not.

A funny example. The paper ass syndrom

This is a variant of Sarko syndrome ( "I passed the ford, I cut the cord"). Thus, a man who has always lived in the past in a mess and a remarkable poor hygiene, for example a WC which no longer accepting paper, forcing its many customers to throw them in ... a opened wastebasket, full that day with a bit of crumpled yellow stuff that I thought to be make up.. when that morning, (I was new arrival at his family home) I left the place and see him at the door, very worried because of one of these fault that I committed regularly in this strict and arrogant stuffy bourgeois area.

- You did WHAT?

- In your opinion ?

- Uh .. Yes .. but.. shit TOO?

- Both. As Clelia, I shit, even if I disappoint you.

- And what did you do with the paper?

- I did not put it in my pocket, for sure !

- WHERE ? ( His anguish was resonance. )

- But finally, in the WC !

- You should not ! That is in the basket you had to do !


- Yes !

- It was not make up what I saw ? But ... .. "

Well , YES , it's was shit indeed...

.. the same man now therefore screems for one or two dirty dishes in my sink. This is "awful, he can not live like this, I'm disgusting, he even saw a mosquito etc. .. " He loved his sisters and mother, he hates me and that's all.

vendredi 29 novembre 2013

Les héros sont fatigués. Heroes are exhausted

Men, especially timid and childish, prefer small women, silly, frightened by spiders and fainting in front of a mosquito : it makes them look great. But they need women brave, strong and resourceful to carry them at arm's length. If they also are sexually unmoved, they prefer frigid women because they require nothing. But they need sexually acting women to overcome their deficencies. To seduce them, they pong (a lapsus! I wanted to say "play"!) play the heroes. Unuseless most of time. So they fear that they unmask them, what happens inevitably (or they have always guessed without discouraging, on the contrary!) Thus, when women refuse to play the game over time, or when, suddenly, they show a real deficiency (disease, for example) they seek to devalue them.. on other points-pretexts : they can't accept an injured horse that don't carry them as quickly as usual, and leads them to the abyss. And they are afraid they violate the holy omerta. => hate. Sometimes murder.

Les hommes, surtout pusillanimes et infantiles, préfèrent des femmes petites; sottes, effrayées par les araignées et s'évanouissant devant un moustique : cela les fait paraître forts. mais ils ont besoin de femmes courageuses, fortes et débrouillardes pour les porter à bout de bras. S'ils sont aussi sexuellement peu éblouissants, ils les préfèrent frigides car elles n'exigeront rien. mais ils ont besoin de femmes sexuellement actives pour pallier leurs déficiences. Pour les séduire, ils puent (je laisse!) les héros. Ainsi ils redoutent qu'elles les démasquent, ce qui arrive inévitablement (ou qu'elles ont toujours su sans que cela ne les ait découragées, au contraire!) Dinc, (je laisse, mon ordi me fait des farces) lorsqu'elles refusent de jouer le jeu au fil du temps ou lorsqu'elles manifestent elles même une réelle déficience (maladie par exemple) ils cherchent à les dévaloriser sur des points prétextes, ne pouvant accepter un cheval blessé qui, ne les portant plus aussi rapidement qu'avant, les conduit à l'abîme. Et ils redoutent qu'elles ne violent l'omerta sacrée.